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Kawan Puan Diluted Oil Blend by Rumah Atsiri

Kawan Puan Diluted Oil Blend by Rumah Atsiri

Regular price Rp 115.000,00
Regular price Sale price Rp 115.000,00
Sale Sold out
Kawan Puan Diluted Oil Blend by Rumah Atsiri

10 mL (0.33 fl Oz)

Lavandin essential oil, peppermint essential oil, nutmeg essential oil, clove bud essential oil, jojoba oil, sweet almond oil, olive oil

Treat this Period Cramp diluted blends as your best friend, during, and on menstrual periods.

Our diluted blends are carefully prepared for you as an ailment for the various physical and mental problems. Use this blend accordingly and get ready to #ExperienceTheEssence in every roll.

Give the bottle a gentle shake to ensure that the ingredients are well mixed.
Roll the blend onto the desired area of the body, such as the temples, wrists, or neck. Be sure to avoid contact with the eyes and mucous membranes.
Use as needed throughout the day, or as directed by a healthcare professional.

Kocok botol agar bahan-bahannya tercampur dengan baik.
Oleskan campuran tersebut ke area tubuh yang diinginkan, seperti pelipis, pergelangan tangan, atau leher. Hindari kontak dengan mata dan selaput lendir.
Gunakan sesuai kebutuhan sepanjang hari, atau sesuai arahan profesional kesehatan.

Perform a patch test on a small area of skin to ensure that you don't have an allergic reaction.
Kept out of reach of children, and used only under adult supervision.
Should not be applied to the eyes or mucous membranes, such as the nose, mouth or ears.
Should not be ingested, and should only be used externally.
Stored in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight or heat.
Overuse of essential oils can be harmful, use in moderation

Lakukan uji pada kulit untuk memastikan Anda tidak mengalami reaksi alergi.
Jauhkan dari jangkauan anak-anak, gunakan di bawah pengawasan orang dewasa.
Tidak boleh dioleskan ke mata atau selaput lendir, seperti hidung, mulut atau telinga.
Tidak boleh tertelan, hanya boleh
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  • Vegan

  • No Animal Testing

  • Natural