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Atsiri Shop

Kanuka Essential Oil by Rumah Atsiri

Kanuka Essential Oil by Rumah Atsiri

Regular price Rp 315.000,00
Regular price Sale price Rp 315.000,00
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Kunzea ericoides


Kanuka essential oil possesses anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties that help soothe and support various skin conditions. Inhalation of the oil's vapor or steam can help soothe congestion and ease coughs. It may help reduce feelings of anxiety and tension. If added to bathwater, it helps ease muscle tension and promote relaxation. It may also deter insects.

Kanuka memiliki sifat anti-inflamasi dan antimikroba yang membantu menenangkan kulit. Menghirup uapnya dapat meredakan hidung tersumbat dan batuk. Minyak Ini dapat juga membantu mengurangi perasaan cemas dan tegang. Jika ditambahkan ke air mandi, minyak ini meredakan ketegangan otot dan meningkatkan relaksasi.


Respiratory Support


Skin Care

Insect Repellent


Key Emotions


How to use

Aromatic Use

Simply inhaling the aroma can have certain effects on our mind, body, and soul. Our sense of smell is the most sensitive of the five senses, allowing the aroma to travel through internal cells and interact with the limbic system, resulting in a desired emotional response. Diffusion is the most effective and efficient way to enjoy essential oils. Using a special diffusing device allows us to experience the aromatic benefits for an extended period of time.

Topical Use

Essential oils are easily absorbed into the skin, so it's important to understand the nature of the oil, your sensitivity, and the maximum safe usage for each oil. When using essential oils topically, it's crucial to keep the safe amount-per-day guidelines in mind.

Maximum Dermal Use

Safety & Precautions

Avoid direct contact with the eyes and mucous membranes.
Always store in a cool, dark place, away from direct sunlight and out of reach of children and pets.

Hindari kontak langsung dengan mata dan selaput lendir.
Selalu simpan di tempat sejuk dan gelap, jauh dari sinar matahari langsung dan jauh dari jangkauan anak-anak dan hewan peliharaan.

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